Is A Salt Water Pool A Viable Option?

Is A Salt Water Pool A Viable Option?

Salt water pools are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditionally chlorinated pools. The main difference with a salt water pool is that it uses a salt chlorinator to generate chlorine, rather than adding chlorine to the water manually. This system converts the salt (sodium chloride) in the water into chlorine, which is then distributed through the pool to disinfect and sanitize the water.

A salt water pool can provide a number of benefits to pool owners who might consider the option over a regularly chlorinated pool or bromine option.

Increasing interest in salt water pools

As shown in this Google Trends result, the overall search interest in “salt water pool” has steadily increased over the years from 2004 to present.

Data source: Google Trends (

Salt water pool installations and overall interest in them remains high. Once people realize the potential benefits, they will often at least take a look to compare.

Plus, existing pools that use chemical chlorine can be converted to salt water relatively easily in most cases. Chlorine shortages and the overall expense of chemical chlorine is at least partly responsible for this interest.

Salt water pool benefits

One of the main benefits of this type of system is that it tends to produce a more consistent and stable chlorine level in the water, which can lead to fewer fluctuations in pH and chlorine levels. This can make the water feel softer and more comfortable to swim in, and can also reduce the need for regular adjustments and testing of the water chemistry.

Another benefit of a salt water pool is that the chlorine produced is a softer, gentler form of chlorine that can be less irritating to the eyes, skin, and hair than the harsher forms of chlorine used in traditional pools. This can make the pool more pleasant to use, and can also reduce the risk of certain skin conditions and other health problems associated with exposure to high levels of chlorine.

Salt water pools also tend to have lower levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water, which can make the water look clearer and more inviting. This may make it less likely to cause damage to pool equipment, and less likely to require frequent cleaning.

Having said that, there can be damage to metal parts such as a pool ladder particularly if salt is allowed to get too high.

Overall, salt water pools offer a number of benefits over traditional chlorinated pools, including softer and more comfortable water, more stable water chemistry, and fewer issues with irritation and health problems caused by exposure to high levels of chlorine.

However, It is also important to note that maintaining a salt water pool still require regular testing and adjustments to ensure that the water is safe and healthy to swim in.

Is a salt water pool worth it?

Whether a salt water pool is worth it depends on your individual needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when determining whether a salt water pool is right for you:

  • Initial costs: Salt water pool systems tend to be more expensive than traditional chlorination systems. The cost of a salt water pool can vary depending on the size of the pool and the type of system you choose.
  • Maintenance: Salt water pools still require regular maintenance, such as testing the water chemistry and adjusting the pH and chlorine levels as needed. You’ll also need to periodically add salt to the pool to ensure that the chlorinator has a consistent supply of salt to convert into chlorine.
  • Long-term costs: Salt water pool systems can save money in the long run, as you will use less chlorine and the system last longer than traditional systems. And the salt itself is relatively inexpensive certainly compared to chemical chlorine.
  • Comfort: Salt water pools are known to be more comfortable to swim in, as the chlorine level is more consistent and the water feels softer.
  • Lifestyle: If you have sensitive skin or eyes, a salt water pool may be a more pleasant option, as the chlorine level is gentler and less harsh than traditional pool.
  • Aesthetics: Salt water pools are known to have less total dissolved solids (TDS) and thus the water can be clearer.

Overall, a salt water pool can be a worthwhile investment for those who are willing to pay more upfront for a more comfortable and enjoyable swimming experience, and willing to invest the time and effort to maintain it correctly.

Carl Mueller

I bought a home with a salt water pool in 2006 and soon realized the benefits over traditional chlorinated pools. On this website I'll discuss all the tips and tricks I've learned over the years. I'll also help you troubleshoot various problems with pools in general and ones specific to salt water pools that I've experienced personally!

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